Year: <span>2015</span>

Home / 2015

O Monot? or Oh no no?

It was a sweet sweet autumn evening, the sun was getting ready to set, and I was excited to take some pictures from the rooftop of the O Monot Luxury Boutique Hotel… I had forgotten that the Beirut landscape had dramatically changed over the past 10 years and the sea isn’t really visible anymore from...


A Five Star Manager in a Fast Food Restaurant

Once upon a time… we were starving and low on money… We were driving for some time now then a miracle appeared on the highway’s billboard… an add… sent from heaven above… Burger King: 2 Big Kings one meat and one chicken, plus coke and fries for 10.000LL Now that’s affordable… We decided to stop...


Grand Prix Chopsticks – Dbayeh

Sunny Race Day – 33°C air Temperature – 45°C Track Temperature After 2 Days of tweaking on our diet, we have decided that we were craving Chinese food: Chopsticks was a good choice for a lunch date, based on his reputation, time of day, traffic etc… We were looking forward enjoying a slow relaxed Chinese...


KFC – It’s All About Expectations…

KFC – It’s All about expectations… It’s pretty much straightforward here ladies and gents, when you decide… on a day where hunger strikes like a B… Beast… to go to KFC… you know what you want, and you should know what to expect. Whats not to like here? Chicken? Stop reading, you’re in the wrong...


Ekhid Bared ya Mama

How many times in Lebanon have we heard that famous phrase “Ekhid bared ya mama” when usually you have a headache or a mild to severe stomach ache that makes u break into sweat (especially in summer) along with gases (that threatens the ozone layer) and also mild to severe cases of diarrhea. Ekhid Bared...


UTOPIA (Well B Brunch)

…A hard sell, a difficult concept to swallow despite the obvious health advantages you get from consuming… wait… I think I should rewind a little… It’s that little café down in Verdun area, you know? Kif you don’t? You can’t miss it… it’s easy… listen hey, you’re on Verdun Main Street… right? You take your right just...